Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Madness Continues

Did you know that at the University of Tennessee, it is impossible for students to fail their first-year writing courses? The lowest grade they can receive is a C. If a student's work in the class is failing, then s/he receives an "NC" (no credit), which does not effect GPA and is required to take the course again. And again. And again. I learned today that it takes some students 6 tries to finally pass freshman comp. The university also affords this "courtesy" to introductory math courses, in an effort to keep freshman in college, specifically at the University of Tennessee, which only has an 80% freshman retention rate.

Now, ask yourselves, readers, does this policy make sense? I perhaps understand allowing the student on chance to re-do these crucial courses, but a seemingly unlimited number of chances to master two of the most basic courses they'll probably take in college, with no consequences at all? I'm appalled. Don't get me wrong. I really want freshmen to succeed in college, but I believe strongly in the university not only as a place where academic education occurs, but also where maturation and personal responsibility is learned. I grew up a lot as an undergrad. I'm sure you did, too. But, it seems to me that the University of Tennessee is doing its students a disservice to its students by not presenting them with consequences, though negative in the case, for their actions. And, as someone who will be teaching composition, beginning Wednesday, I feel like if students know this policy, I will be wasting my time and theirs by attempting to inspire them to care about writing.

However, I shouldn't be so negative. I'm sure most students will try, and I'm sure most won't fail my class. I just want to be an effective teacher, and I feel like that option is taken away from me at least in some capacity if my students know they have chance after chance to take my class with no ramifications. Well, I guess they would have to sacrifice a precious three hours of credit in each semester's schedule to take comp over and over again.

Other than that rant, I'm doing fine. Meeting people, trying to navigate the campus. I lunched with five of the the first year MAs today right through one of our workshops, but I heard it wasn't very useful. I think if I have to sit through another 2+ hour workshop on teaching strategies, university policies, library services, or technology in the classroom, I'll scream. Or maybe fall asleep in the middle.

I miss home, but I'm getting used to my neighborhood. Walked around the cemetery this evening. It was large and hilly, and I think it will be my new favorite walking spot.

Have a good semester to the UCA people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tim I'm so excited for you! Show those kids what comp is really about!