Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Strange Little Girls

I missed a day in Monda's challenge, which means that I have failed, but at least I ain't a quitter. Today I share with you something I've been collecting over the past few weeks. I call them my "strange little girls," these paintings and artistic renderings of, well, strange little girls. If you feel so inspired to write about one, please share with me. Or just give 'em a gander and wonder what it is in my personality that attracts me to such art (and write about that!)

And one of my favorite strange little girl poems, by a woman poet who, after I met her thought, "what a strange older lady."

The One Girl at the Boy's Party

When I take my girl to the swimming party
I set her down among the boys. They tower and
bristle, she stands there smooth and sleek,
her math scores unfolding in the air around her.
They will strip to their suits, her body hard and
indivisible as a prime number,
they'll plunge in the deep end, she'll subtract
her height from ten feet, divide it into
hundreds of gallons of water, the numbers
bouncing in her mind like molecules of chlorine
in the bright blue pool. When they climb out,
her ponytail will hang its pencil lead
down her back, her narrow silk suit
with hamburgers and french fries printed on it
will glisten in the brilliant air, and they will
see her sweet face, solemn and
sealed, a factor of one, and she will
see their eyes, two each,
their legs, two each, and the curves of their sexes,
one each, and in her head she'll be doing her
sparkle and fall to the power of a thousand from her body.
Sharon Olds

P.S. Tomorrow I plan to be back in full swing with a post of my own work, or at least some ruminations about disc golf, laying out by the pool, or the trip to the therapist's office.


Monda said...

I love that poem and yes, she was a strange older woman. She was a hoot.

I'm going to post a special prompt on Easystreet tomorrow you'll love.

Jennifer said...

love sharon olds. can't remember whether it was you or matt taylor...well, one of you first scandalized me with her poems. i feel like i should remember which man presented me with the "pope's penis" or the erotic "topography," but i don't. let's just pretend it was you, alright?

Abigail said...

sharon olds was such an interesting experience.
where do you find these strange little girl pictures?