Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

In my case, it's the flu bug. This uninvited guest is the culprit behind my three-days' worth of fevering, snotting, hacking, and aching. However, not only do I have the flu virus, but the B-strand of the virus. (Insert obligatory "oooh!"). The doctor assured me that the B-strand isn't harsher just less common, and I should be able to fight it with Tamiflu and rest. Still, he had the nurse swab my nose (and it hurt like a sumbitch!) and send the sample off to the State Department of Health. You're reading the words of the first case of the B-strand flu virus at UT this season. I feel like I deserve a medal or a hypo-allergenic bubble to live in. The trolls working behind the desk at the Health Center gave me neither.

Quick question--what kind of human being is exceptionally rude to sick people? Answer: Southern women with big hair and frosted lensed glasses who essentially say "fuck you," then follow it up with "Bless your little heart."

Another grumble: health insurance, smealth insurance. Why do I pay $80 a month for an insurance plan that doesn't seem to cover a damn thing? At Walgreens this morning while paying for my prescription (which my insurance was supposed to cover), I was forced to make a tough decision: Do I buy this medicine or buy groceries for next week. Yep, y'all, it was that expensive. Granted, what I term "expensive" (nearly everything over $30) is probably a misnomer for those with more gainful employment than I have. Good thing we get paid Friday. Good thing my daddy loves me enough to send me some money for the medicine.

Someone sounds spoiled, doesn't he? Give me a break. I have the Big, Bad B Flu.

End rant.


Jenn said...

Aww! It's definitely flu time. Everyone I know is getting it. I hope you start feeling better soon...Drink lots of fluids! Take emergen-c! (Vitamin C powder--whenever I start feeling ill, I take one...and I think it works pretty well!)

And I almost wet my pants imagining a southern woman saying "Fuck you, bless your little heart". Hahaha.

Jennifer said...

"hypoallergenic bubble"
/sheds tear of mirth

Monda said...

As a fella from Mississippi, you'd be one to know a good "fuck you" disguised as "bless your heart."

This all sounds so familiar.

Get some Airborne (Welborn at Walgreens). It won't miraculously heal you, but you'll get well faster.

Oh, and say ten Hail Marys.

Mike Rush said...

Hey Tim!
Thanks for reading my blog. I enjoy yours too. I knew if you got something like the flu you wouldn't settle for anything common. No way, not you. Go for the gusto! Not just the B strand, but the first B strand. The really great news is you get to infect everyone else! Go snot on somebody!

Ms. Bowles said...

When you work with students, you need flu shots.

Students come to class sick & don't use enough sanitizer.

Amanda D Allen said...

Hey I thought you should get an invitation:

Amanda D Allen said...

I think all you have to do is post a poem. That's all I did. It's the thought that counts ;) Here's the link: Silent Poetry Reading