Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rocket Ship Mazes and Sunburned Scalps

Add this to the Perils of Premature Baldness list: Yesterday I volunteered to wrangle children through an inflatable rocket ship maze at the Children's Festival of Reading sponsored by the Knox County Public Libraries. My dear friend Matt told me about the festival at Happy Hour with the Boys (Monda, I've assumed your capitalization habits) on Thursday night at the sushi bar. He got roped into volunteering because his mom is the children's librarian at the downtown branch. I volunteered because I heard the words "play," "children," and "moon bounce." Honestly, in my past life I was a kindergarten teacher. It was great fun, but very sunny. By the end of the day, I was red faced with a sunburned scalp. Anyone got any aloe vera?

The sunburn was worth it though, if only for two reasons, listed in order of coolness. 1. Matt's Mom and Dad (nicest people you ever want to meet) took us for beer and pizza afterwards. 2. A little boy no more than six came through the inflatable rocket ship maze's rear exit, looked up at Matt and me wide-eyed, and exclaimed, "There's a dead astronaut in there!"

Kids DO say the darndest things.


Candance said...

1) If you put the aloe in the fridge and let it get real cold and then put it on your sunburned flesh, it is DIVINE.

2) Kids DO say the darndest things. I wish I could say some of the stuff Max says out loud without getting the "look", ya know?

3) You're a good man, Charlie Brown, for hanging with those kids and stuff without being roped into it by the PTA because they've "noticed" that you don't volunteer very often.

Joshua Robbins said...

May there be a dead astronaut in all of us.