Thursday, October 4, 2007

Took a break (before the Break)

That's right, I took a break. The first three days of this week were so hectic for me: reading poems and a play, writing summaries of criticisms on said poems and play, collecting resources for a paper I'm writing on witchcraft and the English theatre, preparing for a presentation in class. So, I took last night off. My schedule opened up because of an unexpected class cancellation for today, so that freed up a few hours of reading/writing/prepping time. I'd read ahead for my other class earlier in the week (in preparation for a week of late nights and lots of assignments). So, I took a break. And it was a lovely break. Here's what I did.

After class, I talked to my best friend from high school, Robin, on the phone for an hour. She called to tell me she's thinking of switching grad programs, and we wound up catching up for a while. I don't talk to her nearly as much as I used to, so it's nice to hear from her. Then I went to a screening of Before Stonewall in the campus library, a documentary about gay history before sexual liberation and the Stonewall Rebellion. It was fascinating stuff, particularly since it's a research interest of mine. In a few weeks, the second part of the documentary, After Stonewall, will be shown. Now, that's when sexual liberation and AIDS comes into play, historical moments I'm interested in and knowledgeable about. It should be an interesting film.

I came home afterwards to catch the ends of Kid Nation and America's Next Top Model (I hate Tyra Banks, by the way, and Kid Nation is a scary concept but so damned addictive). Then I got sucked into watching the new drama Gossip Girl, based off of those teeny bopper pulpy paperbacks. Which, of course, now I want to read after watching the show.

I usually don't watch t.v., but a night of mindless reality shows and teenage dramas was a nice break. I went to bed an hour earlier than I usually do, and woke up this morning raring to go at it another day. I'm meeting with the grad director at 11 to discuss my courses for next semester. So many interesting courses are being offered, it's going to be hard to pick just 3!

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